Newspaper Feature Page Design
Designers will create one feature spread as either a broadsheet feature page or a tabloid double page spread for a specified topic. A week before the convention, contest materials will be on the TAJE website, taje.org, for contestants to download. Students must upload a completed PDF to tajecontest@gmail.com before the convention and bring a printed copy of the design to the contest.
• Feature a dominant visual entry point.
• Feature a dominant typographical entry point.
• Create clearly defined stories on different angles to the spread or page’s topic.
• Devices such as text heads, drop caps or pull quotes facilitate reading and keep the reader interested.
• Visually balanced.
• Visuals add to the design flow of reader information.
• Illustrations add interest.
• Photographs are cropped effectively and caption placement is indicated.
• Color (if used) adds effectively to overall design
Design Contest Rules
With the exception of Editorial Illustration and Yearbook Theme Package, design contest entries should be uploaded before the convention, and a hard copy will be carried in. A week before the convention, contest materials will be on the TAJE website, taje.org, for contestants to download. Designers will select as many photos as they wish, crop and place photos.
Students must upload a completed PDF to tajecontest@gmail.com before the convention. Students must also bring a printed copy of the design to the contest.
Students must attend the two-hour critique session at the convention.