Rebecca Pollard

Number of years teaching

Name(s) of media you advise
The Leopard Yearbook

School Name & City
Lovejoy High School, Lucas

Most unusual item in/on your desk?
Hair Dryer

Favorite deadline snack?

Nicknames your students have given you?
Douglas (three schools ago), Doug (two schools ago), Pollard and P-Dawg at my last school, too soon to know at this new school

Superpower you’d want as a teacher?
Freeze time where everyone else stops, time stops, but I don’t so I can finally get something done. But I can’t age just because I am unfrozen.

Personal catchphrase or motto?
Somehow, some way there is always a Yearbook at the end of the year. The impossible somehow becomes possible. This too shall pass.

What is the reason you love teaching journalism?
The thrill of the project, no two days are ever alike, changing lives and giving young people career options, always working on making the world a better place

What is the most important lesson a student has ever taught you?
I wear my emotions outward, it’s part of who I am. I learned I need to keep those in check. What I may be frustrated about, or focused on when I get interrupted, is not as important as how I make a kid feel.

What is the most important element to a successful program?

Describe your favorite lesson to teach.
Hard to give just one. I think I would have to say Photojournalism Rubber Duck Championships. The kids have to shoot a small-scale field day, shooting comprehensively. We split up, half of the group shoots while the other half participates. Then we rotate. There are always some incredible shots using composition rules and camera settings correctly. Warms my adviser heart to see them get it.


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