Paige Dyer

Number of years teaching

Name(s) of media you advise
“Wildcat” Yearbook, “Paw Prints” Newspaper, Journalism I, Photo Journalism, UIL Journalism Academic Team

School Name & City
Whitehouse High Schoo, Whitehouse, TX

Most unusual item in/on your desk?
A tube of green glitter glue

Favorite deadline snack?

Nicknames your students have given you?
Dyer (there’s a very specific voice inflection that goes along with the name)

Superpower you’d want as a teacher?
To remove the stress, drama and heartache from my kiddos lives and to let them know it’s all only temporary.

Personal catch phrase or motto?
“Groovy?” (stated in a way to check understanding)

What is the reason you love teaching journalism?
Being able to produce something tangible that last years, on a yearly basis. I love that we have a documentation of what our kids have accomplished throughout that year.

What is the most important element to a successful program?
Understanding that what we do goes far beyond the classroom setting.

Describe your favorite lesson to teach.
Pinhole cameras that are then used for a darkroom lab where the students develop film from the cameras they made.