Emily Pyeatt Arnold
Number of years teaching
Name(s) of media you advise
Buffalo Yearbook, Stampede TV, Stampede Online
School Name & City
Haltom High School, Haltom City
Most unusual item in/on your desk?
It’s a tie between Buddha on a laptop toy and manatee tea diffuser.
Favorite deadline snack?
Muddy Buddies
Nicknames your students have given you?
Momma Arnold and Coach
Superpower you’d want as a teacher?
Although not really a superpower, I wish I was a morning person 10 months of the year.
What is the reason you love teaching journalism?
I get to teach the coolest kids on campus.
What is the most important element to a successful program?
I am still trying to figure this one out, but I try to remind myself that my role should not ultimately be about the products my students create, but about the students they become while I get to teach them.
Describe your favorite lesson to teach.
I love teaching photo history and getting back in the darkroom.