An Opportunity to Get Involved — Run for Regional Rep
Texas Association of Journalism Educators Regional Representatives are members elected from designated areas of the state who act as liaisons between the board and the members in those geographical areas. Regional Reps will act as points of contact to answer questions/concerns from journalism teachers in the area, to help promote awareness of TAJE in the area and to facilitate a workshop that reflects the region’s needs. Regional Representatives are elected in odd years for two-year terms.
Duties of the Regional Representatives shall include:
- Connecting with journalism advisers in their geographical areas to inform them of TAJE membership and benefits, including encouraging them to attend Fall Fiesta.
- Creating or utilizing a communication resource for the members in your geographical region to facilitate information sharing.
- Stepping into the role of mentor and/or helping make connections to mentor(s) when the need arises in their geographical area.
- Hosting a TAJE-sponsored regional workshop that fits the needs of membership in the geographical area at least once in the two-year term, with support from the TAJE board.
- Attending Fall Fiesta to connect with members and working as greeters, judges, proctors, speakers and any role as needed. If unable to attend the summer board retreat, participate in workshop and mentor training at the convention.
- Attending the second day of the summer board retreat for workshop and mentor training.
- Attending the other state-level events like the ILPC Spring Convention, Gloria Shields, SNO workshops, the midwinter executive board meeting, etc. to participate in board planning and discussion, represent TAJE, or to promote the organization as needed. Attendance at these TAJE functions is encouraged but not required.
You’re Elected! Now What?
How to Be A Regional Rep
First things first. Know your role.
- Regional Representatives act as liaisons between the board and the membership of their respective geographical areas. Regional Reps will act as points of contact to answer questions/concerns from journalism teachers in the area, to help promote awareness of TAJE in the area and to put together a workshop that reflects the region’s needs.
- As a Regional Rep, you will serve a vital role in bringing concerns from your area (and the state in general) to the Executive Board. You are required to attend both Fall Fiesta and the annual summer retreat (for at least the second day). You are welcome to attend the first day of the annual summer retreat and the board meetings at the ILPC spring convention, Fall Fiesta and the mid-winter meeting as a non-voting member, but your attendance isn’t mandatory. If you can’t attend, you will be expected to email the board with news and needs from your region. Not only is your input welcome, it is crucial in serving the needs of advisers from every corner of the state.
Connect with the people in your region.
- How do I determine who is in my region? Check the Google doc in the shared folder for current members sorted by region.
- Find all schools in a particular region at the Education Service Center sites: https://tea.texas.gov/regional_services/esc/
- Contact your members (and non-members even!) and share with them either the new communication system you will use, or through the previously established medium. Some potential options include Slack, Remind, Facebook group, Google products, text chain, etc.
- Reach out to yearbook reps from all the publishing companies for help with identifying needs and disseminating information. They can be a valuable resource for you. Seek out and accept their generosity and expertise when planning your regional workshop (whatever form that takes) and if you need their help mentoring any advisers.
- Organize occasional informal get-togethers of advisers in your area to keep in touch. This might include meeting in a restaurant or hosting a Google Hangout (or similar). Perhaps even host several short Google Hangouts at different times to attract the most attendance.
- Maintain a Facebook group for your region’s advisers and encourage them to connect via social media to other TAJE channels.
Serve as an ambassador and mentor.
- Promote TAJE at workshops and events like UIL meets, ILPC Spring Convention and professional development training. Any time journalism teachers gather, it’s an opportunity for outreach.
- Reach out to advisers in your region to become a “Meet the Member” profile for the TAJE website.
- Help pair mentors with those needing help in your region and serve as a mentor yourself when you can. Never underestimate what you have to offer other advisers.
Promote events and opportunities.
- Make sure teachers (both members and non-members) are aware of Fall Fiesta deadlines and opportunities.
- Share contest and scholarship opportunities with members.
- Encourage nominations for state and national adviser awards. Make sure members know about Pathfinder, Trailblazer and Friend of Journalism awards.
- Consider nominating advisers yourself in your region for state and national awards. For help with your nomination, contact the current State Director statedirector@taje.org.