Full Name
Kelly O’Connor Buckner
Where (school and city) do you teach?
Levelland High School
How many years have you been advising publications?
How many students are involved in your media program at your school?
21 in yearbook and 9-12 in UIL Academics
Most unusual item in/on your desk?
Orange rubber duck
Favorite deadline snack?
Kettle corn
Favorite journalism-related website?
Three words students use to describe you?
Wacky, expects-a-lot, nice
Last great book you read?
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
Europe, especially England and Ireland
Why is journalism important?
Because so many people in the career use it to further an agenda. I think it is important to teach Journalism ethics and skills to train future journalists. I also think that it teaches students skills that help in whatever career they choose because students take a project form planning to completion and have the opportunity to have ownership in it.
What’s the biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome as a teacher?
Going from teaching Journalism, Photography, Yearbook & Newspaper to just teaching Graphic Design and Illustration that is the yearbook staff, too, due to pathways and CTE.
Who are your biggest influencers as a teacher?
Betty Stanley, Stan Godwin, Bettina O’Connor
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