Full Name
Cyndee Burchfield
Where (school and city) do you teach?
Eagle Mountain High School
How many years have you been advising publications?
First Year
How many students are involved in your media program at your school?
Most unusual item in/on your desk?
Picture of my dog
Favorite deadline snack?
Favorite journalism-related website?
Three words students use to describe you?
Energetic, involved, aspiring
Last great book you read?
“Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
Italian Riviera
Why is journalism important?
I find it so important to document events as they occur.
What’s the biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome as a teacher?
Motivating students to complete work.
Who are your biggest influencers as a teacher?
The advisers in my district.
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