Full Name
Dr. Liz Worley
Where (school and city) do you teach?
Aransas Pass High School, Aransas Pass, TX
How many years have you been advising publications?
How many students are involved in your media program at your school?
Most unusual item in/on your desk?
Harry Potter candy cup
Favorite deadline snack?
Beef sticks
Favorite journalism-related website?
Journalism in Action, PBS
Three words students use to describe you?
Consistent, motherly, tough
Last great book you read?
Mitch Albom – “The Little Liar”
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
Why is journalism important?
It helps students be creative, open to new ideas, and work on skills such as speaking, writing, and social.
What’s the biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome as a teacher?
Learning a new course and making it interesting and fun.
Who are your biggest influencers as a teacher?
My teachers from high school and college.
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