Full Name
Sandra Casperson
Where (school and city) do you teach?
Robert Vela High School, Edinburg
How many years have you been advising publications?
How many students are involved in your media program at your school?
Most unusual item in/on your desk?
Vintage set of Jacks
Favorite deadline snack?
Hot & Spicy Ramen Noodles
Favorite journalism-related website?
Three words students use to describe you?
Creative, Hard-working, Fun
Last great book you read?
“8 Great Smarts” by Kathy Koch
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
Bora Bora
Why is journalism important?
Besides it being a “watchdog”, it’s the voice for the voiceless. It makes me happy that students are afforded the opportunity to experience this early on through high school courses like yearbook and newspaper. Interviewing peers, covering events, learning to formulate accurate opinions and to fact-check are highly critical skills in today’s society. Not to mention these are all skills that are transferable to just about any career path. I wish more young people would take advantage of having journalism as an elective. Even just one course alone expands their perspective and understanding of people, media and everything in between.
What’s the biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome as a teacher?
Dealing with drama or conflicts. My staff is usually comprised of mostly female students so there’s a lot of emotional energy on the daily. Managing conflicts, misunderstandings, or the occasional drama can take time away from the actual work of creating the yearbook. Being productive can be tough. Especially when there’s still some unresolved issues between editors and staff. Sometimes their managing styles are not very effective nor are they open to changing or improving on them.
Who are your biggest influencers as a teacher?
If I’m entirely honest, my students. Especially those that join my program their freshman year and stay on the four-year track. Keeping an open eye and a listening ear to what’s happening in their world in order to make yearbook curriculum relevant for them has been an important factor in my program’s success. Great advice that came from my now 87-year-old mother, my greatest influencer of all time and the wisest woman I know.
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