Full Name
Dawn Thomas
Where (school and city) do you teach?
Natalia High School, Natalia, TX
How many years have you been advising publications?
3 years
How many students are involved in your media program at your school?
3 (this is our 1st year)
Describe your space for us.
We are a newly offered course at my campus, which I am also new to this year. In addition to that, we are a small school with only just over 325 students. That being said, I have worked to create an inviting and comfortable space for my staffers and Yearbook Club members to come and create. I cannot stand the overhead fluorescent lighting, so I use lamps and other alternatives such as string lights.I also have brought in comfortable seating options that I grabbed off of Marketplace or from garage sales. Our Yearbook & Journalism room is so inviting that many of our school’s faculty and staff come in there to work or just kick back and relax during their conferences and breaks.
What do you think are some of the benefits of the workspace you all have?
The walls in our Yearbook and Journalism room are covered with both educational materials and tips and tricks, but also with welcoming decor. This creates an educational environment that is also welcoming and relaxing. My staffers have told me that they feel relaxed and inspired in our classroom. This allows their creative juices to freely flow.
What do your students like the most about the workspace you have?
They love the alternative lighting, the comfortable seating options, and the posters and decor.
What computer programs and/or apps are your staff members using on a regular basis?
For journalism, we do a lot of things on Canva. We produce our school’s newspaper on Canva, as well as ads and flyers. For photography, we use Adobe. And for our yearbook, we use the online platform at Yearbook Avenue.
What tech equipment are your students using on a daily basis?
Our staffers have been using the Macs that were lent to us from the CTE department, since we are a new course offering this school year. Other than that, they also use their school issued Chromebooks.
Aside from the computers and the program, what are one or two pieces of equipment that you have that you think other programs should have?
A good camera or two.
How is your workspace funded?
We have a small budget right now that we are hoping will increase. However, I also turned the yearbook into a club that is somewhat funded with various fundraisers.
Do you have anything on your wishlist for your space? If so, what are you looking for and why?
I am always looking for more comfortable seating and lamps. We are also wanting to purchase a color printer.
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